Do you have lots of apps on your phone?


Chatosaur Member
Feb 28, 2023
Island Coins
Apps have made the life of mobile device users easy. Now you can't access exclusive contents and do some mobile activities on different apps without using a centralized software like Chrome. Do you have a lot of apps on your device?
I try to keep as little as possible. I always found that installing apps like stores (Amazon, Walmart, etc.) is silly. Basically, I keep a handful of apps to run the items from our home cloud (files, photos, chat, cameras, etc.), and my business apps then a few others for either work or productivity. Google lists me at 152 apps, but a lot of those are the system apps and google installed junk.
I don't use many apps on my smartphone, even though I have ample storage space. I prefer to keep only those that benefit me. The apps I use nearly every day include Google Drive, Google, Canva, LokLok, Netflix, TikTok, Spotify, Bing, and a few digital banking apps.
Not exactly. My phone will start misbehaving if I have too many apps on it. That is why I keep the number of apps as minimal as possible.