Does one need to know coding to be a web designer?

King Belieal

Chatosaur Member
May 15, 2023
Island Coins
With the rise of Content Management system tools, it seems the need to know how to code and program has been reduced. Does one still need to understand coding as a prerequisite for designing a website?
I don’t think sure. I remember when I first started using site builders on like Homestead and stuff. You could do okay with just that.
There are WYSIWYG programs that allow you to just drag things in place and type up how you want your text and the program does the coding for you on the spot. It's helpful to know a little HTML for when problems arise though, but that's easy enough to google and figure out how to do those things.
Knowing coding is a perk for sure, but it is no longer needed. I would still advise a basic understanding of coding as it will likely pop up eventually.
I not only design my websites but also design websites for clients as well as sell websites. I am not a programmerar. Therefore, based on my personal experience I can say you do not need coding skills to become a web designer and make money. Coding definitely helps but if you can master your skills with content management systems, you can easily make money as a web designer.
If you want to do it as a hobby, then sure, there are tools that allow you to design a website without writing a single line of code, and they'll probably meet your needs.

But, if you're doing it more seriously... then, yeah, coding is definitely going to come in handy!