Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X?


Chatosaur Member
Mar 3, 2023
Island Coins
As a gamer, if you're presented with the opportunity to choose between having Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X, which one would you go for and what's your reason for making that choice?

I have always been a Playstation fan more than I have ever used or played on Xbox consoles. It's why I would be going for Playstation 5. It's arguably the best video game console in the world today.
Playstation for me. I never played much of Xbox. My brother had a couple of the past systems but he kept them in his room so I rarely got the chance to play them.
Playstation for me. I never played much of Xbox. My brother had a couple of the past systems but he kept them in his room so I rarely got the chance to play them.
The last Xbox console that I owned was Xbox One after Xbox 360. But I have actually played on Xbox Series X at my friends. It's not a bad console in all honesty but PS5 is a beast console.
The last Xbox console that I owned was Xbox One after Xbox 360. But I have actually played on Xbox Series X at my friends. It's not a bad console in all honesty but PS5 is a beast console.
I think the only Xbox one we don’t have is the current one. Actually I forget what Xbox it was but my brother actually won it from some Pepsi contest.
I have not been able to get a PS5, so will go with my Series S. I like GamePass on the console and just like the resume to play option too.
I currently own a PS5, I do want to get a Xbox Series X at some point though. I would love to play Sonic Unleashed at full 60 FPS on a Xbox Series X, since it doesn't run at 60FPS on the Xbox One.
PlayStation 5 every time! That is one of the best consoles in the market right now. In 2021, a lot of gamers found it difficult buying the consoles and that should tell you a lot on how important the game is to every gamer out there.
I ended up buying a Series X just because I'm a fan boy. Microsoft owns Bethesda ( ES4: Oblivion, ES5:Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout 4) and I love their games.
Given the chance between Xbox Series X and the PlayStation 5, I would have to choose Xbox Series X without any doubt. Being a huge Xbox fan myself and always preferring the Xbox controller as well to the PlayStation controller plus being more of a fan of the Xbox exclusives, I have always ensured that I have the latest Xbox console when I can get it.

Unfortunately at the moment, I am yet to get a Series X but I am hoping I will be able to one day.
I have PS5, therefore, I will choose PS5 instead of Xbox X. I have never owned Xbox.