Do you drink tea often?

Ja Sa Bong

Apr 2, 2023
Island Coins
Tea is a routine food for me and it's why I don't miss out on it every morning. My best friend barely drink tea and he keep asking me how it works for me as food. If I take tea in the morning around 8AM, I won't feel hungry till around 4PM or 5PM.
As much as I have now been able to have coffee since I found coffee syrups that take the bitter taste away from coffee, I still drink quite a lot of tea daily as it is my favourite drink. I tend to drink tea in between drinking water or also sometimes soda if I fancy a change.
I always drink tea. My day feels incomplete without at least one cup. I usually have tea after meals and can consume over five cups daily. My favorites are green tea, black tea, and matcha green tea.